Vulnerability of SMEs

Cyber threats are spreading widely across small businesses. According to Cisco, more than 50% of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) were targets of cyber incidents.

SMEs become victims mainly due to the absence of proper cyber security protection and thus become easy targets for the attackers. Although SMEs might not be the actual target for cyber-attacks, since they have relationships with larger corporations, SMEs let cyber criminals take advantage by providing a playground to practice.

The issue can be resolved if The Australian Cyber Security Centre makes it a priority to provide cyber education for SMEs. This could be done with the help of education programs, webinars, brochures, and videos to generate awareness regarding cyber protection and mitigation across the country.

In the absence of this, there are basic steps that can be taken to protect yourself. These include anti-virus and other software. Please contact us if you need more information.

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